Happy March!I hope everyone is doing well. I just returned from a writing conference and it's hard to wake up today and go to my day job as a teacher--especially the week before spring break. The kids have felt the need for spring break for weeks already! All I want to do is sit home and write my book...
At the conference, I heard a workshop on comedy in writing by Tom Straw, the inspiration for the TV show Castle, sat in and learned about writing for young adults (not considering it now but maybe someday), listened to editors and agents talk about the publishing business, heard a speech on forensics, and networked with authors from all over the country. It's so much fun being surrounded by people who love writing as much as I do:) Oh, and I won a mystery themed crossword puzzle contest at one of the dinners!
Two deals to relay to you. I apologize for not getting them to you earlier but I was away. First, Murder is Legal is free through Tuesday. Second, my newest release, Murder is Medical, is on sale for the first time. The ebook is 99 cents through Thursday. Remember if you have KU, all 13 of my books are always free to borrow.
One favor, if you can. I need 3 more likes/follows on my author Facebook page. It's dianeweinerauthor.I hope it's now easier to find. Let me know if that's the case!
Till next time,
At the conference, I heard a workshop on comedy in writing by Tom Straw, the inspiration for the TV show Castle, sat in and learned about writing for young adults (not considering it now but maybe someday), listened to editors and agents talk about the publishing business, heard a speech on forensics, and networked with authors from all over the country. It's so much fun being surrounded by people who love writing as much as I do:) Oh, and I won a mystery themed crossword puzzle contest at one of the dinners!
Two deals to relay to you. I apologize for not getting them to you earlier but I was away. First, Murder is Legal is free through Tuesday. Second, my newest release, Murder is Medical, is on sale for the first time. The ebook is 99 cents through Thursday. Remember if you have KU, all 13 of my books are always free to borrow.
One favor, if you can. I need 3 more likes/follows on my author Facebook page. It's dianeweinerauthor.I hope it's now easier to find. Let me know if that's the case!
Till next time,